The Reviews Are In...

“As a woman in a long-term heterosexual relationship (married for fifteen years but together for twenty-five), I turned to this course for advice on how to work on a stale sexual relationship between two people who have been together since they were naive teenagers. Laura Rademacher's course was enjoyable and informative. She provided important information while acknowledging and validating the breadth of feelings that can accompany this topic and even utilized a bit of appropriate humor.”


“As someone who grew up with a lot of shame around sex, I feel like Laura was very inviting and understanding. She recognized some of the difficulties with talking about sex, especially given the level of vulnerability these conversations require. I found the course freeing and affirming as she talked a lot about approaching conversations with curiosity. I learned a lot!”


“This course provided me with ideas I feel like will actually work in my relationship along with example conversations and language I can use. As a woman with CPTSD from childhood trauma (including sexual trauma), I was worried about my ability to make it through this course, but Laura Rademacher was welcoming and kept the tone light while being sincere and informative.”


“As a queer, polyamorous woman, I found this course to be very informative. Laura shared many helpful tips and frameworks for clear and kind communicating with partners. The course provided me with ideas for how I can share my thoughts and desires, as well as be a better receiver/listener. Laura's delivery was thoughtful, respectful and fun.”


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